Our Art curriculum is knowledge rich: knowledge is valued, specified, well sequenced and taught to be
remembered. Knowledge in art includes skills needed to make art. These are taught in a carefully structured,
sequenced and meaningful way through instruction and a range of practical tasks. It enables children to
develop skills in art in small steps and to allow children to make progress term by term and year by year.
Children have regular opportunities to look at and discuss the work of artists throughout history and in a
variety of styles. Children are encouraged to discuss, give opinions on and evaluate the work of artists, their
own and others work. All children have access to art lessons which are ambitious yet achievable for all with
carefully produced scaffolding and support in place where necessary.
In EYFS, our pupils enjoy creating marks with fingers and different tools, exploring colours and textures and
working in 2d and 3d. They begin to say what they like about images and art work. KS1 pupils explore
different materials and how they can create different effects. They begin to learn about elements of art
including colour, line, texture and pattern. In KS2, children gain a more in depth understanding of each of the
elements of art. They use knowledge of techniques to create pieces of art that show greater control in a
range of media. Throughout St Andrews, children examine the work of different artists to broaden their
cultural capital.
St Andrews CofE Primary School
01353 720345
School Address:
Sand Street,
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