As a Church of England school, RE has a special place in our curriculum. Every class in Reception, KS1 and KS2 has an RE lesson each week while aspects of RE are included in many areas of the daily teaching in the Early Years curriculum. Additionally, all year groups have a day devoted to RE once a term where the children are immersed in activities and experiences from different religions.
Our weekly lessons are planned using The Emmanuel Project, a scheme that provides ‘challenging and enjoyable materials’ enabling teachers to create interesting, informative and varied lessons while following the agreed syllabus for RE. The scheme provides an enquiry based curriculum where children are encouraged to engage, enquire, explore, evaluate and express within their learning. In each area of learning the children encounter a scriptural text or narrative, community practice and examples of daily living ensuring a balanced approach to learning about religion. As with many subjects, RE learning is not confined to RE lessons with questions arising in many areas of the curriculum that develop the children’s theological and moral understanding.
In EYFS and Reception, the children learn RE through different areas of the Early Years Curriculum. This is not based on any one religion, but based on developing their understanding and acceptance that everyone is different and special. They also learn about special places and celebrations, which may be religious. From Year One through to Year Six, Christianity runs as our core religion, with two thirds of our RE lessons based on developing children’s knowledge of this religion. Throughout their time at St. Andrew’s, the children revisit key points of religion ensuring their understanding develops over time. Their understanding is enhanced through empathy with imaginary characters who help present key points from their own religions. In the majority of year groups, the summer term’s RE learning is used to extend children’s understanding of the beliefs of other world religions. In KS1 and lower KS2 the children study one religion each year. In upper KS2 the children compare the beliefs and practices of different religions. To help maintain children’s awareness of religions other than Christianity during the other terms, their termly RE days link to the religion they will focus on in the summer term. The children are encouraged to engage with learning about religion in a variety of different ways including through song, art and drama.
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