At St Andrew’s, we follow Kapow Primary’s knowledge and skills rich Computing curriculum. The content of the curriculum has been carefully chosen by primary computing experts, to provide a plethora of opportunities to develop their understanding, make connections, and rehearse and improve their skills of Computing from unit to unit, and year to year. As part of our children’s learning we make it a priority to thread regular Online Safety throughout our lessons. Our Computing curriculum is ambitious yet achievable to all with carefully produced scaffolding and support in place where necessary.
From EYFS through to Year Six, our curriculum focuses on the three core strands of Computing: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. These are further broken down into five key areas: Computing systems and networks; programming; creating media; data handling and online safety. The units of learning produced by Kapow, rehearses knowledge and skills regularly and builds upon these each year. In Early Years, our children’s experiences within Computing are play-based, hands-on and fun. In Key Stage 1, children will begin to focus on the key principles that underpin computing: computer science, information technology and digital literacy. In Key Stage 2, children will continue to focus on the knowledge and skills associated to the key principles of computing and in upper Key Stage 2 will work on how to transfer these to real-world contexts, such as the use of spreadsheets in data tracking.
St Andrews CofE Primary School
01353 720345
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