Across the school at St Andrew’s, our mathematics curriculum has mastery of each topic at its core premise, and it is intended that mathematical fluency and reasoning underpin each objective. Strategies are carefully demonstrated by all staff with Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract (CPA) representations being taught alongside formal written methods whilst allowing children exposure to specific mathematical language. We believe it is vital that children understand why they are learning new mathematical skills and are encouraged to put each calculation or problem into context from the very beginning of their learning journeys. Progression across the school is mapped out through careful implementation of CPA representations as outlined in our school’s Calculation Policy, and ensures that all children have a conceptual understanding of their learning.
Across the school, children are exposed to regular problem solving and encouraged to make connections in order to apply their knowledge whilst ensuring small steps of progression throughout each unit of work. In Early Years, the emphasis is very much on number sense and additive reasoning. Our pupils learn mathematics through formal teaching, continuous provision and child-led experiences from across the curriculum. They gain a deepened understanding of numbers to 5 in Nursery and 10 in Reception. They also explore patterns, shapes and measures as well as learn mathematical language to explain their thinking. In Reception, pupils continue their mathematical journey by encouraging a deepened understanding of numbers to 10. This is supported through the use of the ‘Mastering Numbers’ programme. KS1 pupils are further exposed to the Mastering Numbers programme as well as a wider variety of CPA representations of various mathematical problems. In KS2 children consolidate and embed these strategies and move towards formal written methods as well as more independent problem solving and reasoning tasks. Across key stage 1 & 2, measurement, shape and statistics are all taught in context and whilst ensuring that children are able to draw on previous learning. All of our mathematics is delivered with support and guidance from the NCETM Prioritisation documents alongside a White Rose Curriculum.
St Andrews CofE Primary School
01353 720345
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