Pupil and Sports Premium

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding is allocated to schools by the Department for Education in order for schools to improve educational outcomes for identified groups of children who historically perform poorly when compared to their peers. These groups include children who receive free school meals, children adopted from care and children in military families. 

Although it is left to schools to decide how to allocate pupil premium funding, research suggests that the most effective is a tiered approach; prioritising professional development and training of staff and identifying gaps and providing targeted support to pupils.

At St Andrew's we also value being able to allocate funds to support the social and emotional wellbeing and development of our pupils.

On this page you will find our plans for allocating Pupil Premium funding. Each term, spending plans are reviewed and evaluated. Each academic Year, a full review of effectiveness takes place before the proposed new plan is put together.

If you think that your child might be eligible for PP funding - do have a look at this link 



If you have any questions please contact the school office.

Click here to apply for Free School Meals

Sports Premium

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