

Our Curriculum Intent at St. Andrews

 St Andrew’s provides a clearly structured, progressive curriculum through which our children gain the knowledge, skills, vocabulary and experiences required to embrace their future ambitions. Our curriculum is taught to be remembered with a focus on small-steps and ongoing retrieval based practise across all subjects. We aim to deliver well-informed, focused and specific curriculum content, enabling our children to understand and access the world around them. The values of our school: ready, respectful and safe, underpin all that we do in providing an inclusive, nurturing and ambitious learning environment whereby every child is supported to succeed.

Our key aims:

  • To enable all children to access and be challenged by our curriculum.
  • To create a school environment which is led by our values.
  • To build our children’s cultural capital across all subjects.
  • To make children aware of their future opportunities.
  • To ensure all of our children have the opportunity to develop key life skills.

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