Church School

Church School

Church School

Collective Worship


St Andrew’s CE Primary School has close links with St Andrew’s Church in Soham. The children regularly visit the church for celebrations such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter where we hold two services to fit the whole school community and families who want to join us in worship.

We hold daily Collective Worship at school which takes on different structures which include a focus on our school values, a story from the Bible, celebrating and giving thanks and sung worship as well as prayers led by adults and children. This is an important time for the whole school community to share, reflect and celebrate together.

Reverend Eleanor Whalley is Vicar of St Andrew’s Church and is a regular visitor to school. She leads our Collective Worship at least once a week and takes an active role in supporting teaching and learning at school as well as key events in the life of our school such as our Remembrance celebrations.


"The Christian vision and associated core values shape everything the school does, enabling all to flourish. This is seen both in the very clear moral purpose and in the shared belief that school can positively impact upon the life chances of all."

 - From the 2019 Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) Report of St. Andrews School, Soham.

Our values

Our St Andrew’s School vision is for us all to Live Life to the Full.

Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10

This is lived out through our school values of Excellence, Nurture, Respect, Integrity, Community and Hope.

Our vision for our school and our school values underpins everything we do. Within school, with families and within our communities we work together so that we can live and encourage each other to live lives to the full and to point each other to the One who gives life. We engage and work in partnership our local churches and with DEMAT and school leaders to ensure that life is lived in all its fullness. The ethos is threaded through all of school life so children, staff and families can be supported and empowered, knowing that we are working together for the good of each one and celebrating each success across the board range of life experiences.

In our school, individuals are supported in their personal journey of learning, growth and development within the values of excellence & nurture (ready), respect and integrity (respectful) and community and hope (safe).

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