Here at St Andrew’s Primary, PE is an integral and intrinsic part of the children’s school week. From EYFS through to Year 6, our students are skilfully and expertly provided with fun and inclusive PE lessons, both indoors and outdoors, to help them lead healthy and active lives. We follow the Cambridgeshire Scheme Work for PE, which is a progressive program, building on children’s overall fitness skills and instilling a healthy and well-rounded approach to physical activity and fitness from the start of their school journey. Children are taught PE using well planned and progressive lessons, building and refining physical skills according to their development stage and own personal goals and aims.
A broad range of subjects are taught, which include swimming, hockey, tag rugby, gymnastics, dance, athletics, football and netball. We believe that the variety of units we teach will equip the children with the skills necessary to continue their enjoyment and participation in physical activities long after their primary education has finished. In addition to the timetabled PE lessons during the week, physical activity is actively promoted during lunch break with the Year 6 ‘Active Crew’ leading fun and engaging activities. There are also opportunities for children to attend after school sports clubs and to participate in local sporting tournaments.
We are fortunate enough to have an on-site pool and recognise the importance of children learning about water safety. Swimming lessons are provided from Reception to Year 6. Our PE curriculum is fully inclusive and all children are provided with the appropriate support and guidance for them to fulfil their best potential.
Children are taught physical, social and theoretical skills, which are progressive from EYFS through to Year 6.
In nursery and reception, children are introduced to equipment that will be used throughout their school years, such as balls, bats and climbing equipment. They participate in activities that not only develop their physical skills, but also their spatial and social skills.
As children progress to KS1, they are taught to develop and refine their movements and skills, improve their co-ordination, and learn how to evaluate and reflect on their performance. They are taught how to perform sequences of movements with control and confidence, with the quality of movements becoming more complex and challenging as they move up through the school. Children learn how to recognise the effects of exercise on their bodies and are taught the importance of exercise on their physical and mental health.
In KS2, children are taught to reflect on their performance and to provide and accept critical feedback, identify goals and set personal challenges, recognising their strengths and weaknesses. The PE curriculum involves multi-faceted movements requiring skill, control and precision. UKS2 children are provided with the opportunity to become sports ambassadors, as part of the Active Crew, providing a variety of physical activities during lunch breaks.
By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to understand and apply the skills and processes involved in the relevant programme of study. Judgement based assessments are used to assess individuals ability to demonstrate fundamental movements in isolation and also as part of specific sports and physical activities.
Children are provided with the opportunity to compete in local tournaments which are inclusive of all abilities. A whole school sports day occurs annually, with support from the local college.
St Andrews CofE Primary School
01353 720345
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