Year 3

Year 3

A very warm welcome to Year 3!

Year 3 is a significant year of transition from KS1 to KS2. It is an important step in the children’s school career where we encourage independence as they move into the upper part of the school.


We use ClassDojo as a consistent communication platform with our parents, where you will find key dates, events and 'Thoughts for the Weekend' associated with Year 3.


Our Year 3 Team includes: 

 Homerton: Mrs Grossman

 Kings: Mrs Cobb & Mrs Bye

 Also working in Year 3: Miss Hamit, Mrs Pavey & Mrs Barber

PPA Cover: Mrs Bell & Mrs Palmer

If there are any queries or concerns, please feel free to make an appointment to talk with Mrs Cobb, Mrs Bye or Mrs Grossman. 

Year 3 Long Term Plan

Latest class news

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